March 9, 2018

Trump Authorizes Tariffs, Defying Allies at Home and Abroad.

President Trump defied opposition from his own party and protests from overseas as he signed orders on Thursday imposing stiff and sweeping new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. But he sought to soften the impact on the United States’ closest allies with a more flexible plan than originally envisioned.
After a week of furious lobbying and a burst of last-minute internal debates and confusion, Mr. Trump agreed to exempt, for now, Canadaand Mexico, and held out the possibility of later excluding allies like Australia. But foreign leaders warned of a trade war that could escalate to other industries and take aim at American goods.
“The actions we are taking today are not a matter of choice; they are a matter of necessity for our security,” Mr. Trump said in a ceremony at the White House where he officially authorized the tariffs, which will go into effect in 15 days.

Trump’s Latest Tariff Strategy: Less Trade War, and More Let’s Make a Deal

Exceptions for Canada and Mexico suggest that it’s a tactic to renegotiate Nafta.