March 22, 2018


Trump FIRES his national security advisor H.R. McMaster
Trump had clashed with McMaster (top), a three-star general, repeatedly in recent months, telling confidants that he considered the general a long-winded bore who continually lectured Trump. He will end his White House service early next month and be replaced by George W Bush's U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, Trump says. Bolton is a hawkish conservative with a pugnacious streak - and a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel. He is also a fierce opponent of the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal. Bolton was on Fox News within an hour of Trump's tweet, saying 'I didn't really expect that announcement this afternoon.' McMaster came to the Trump administration with a reputation as one of the Army’s best thinkers, but he never forged the kind of bond that would allow him to speak honestly to the president.