September 22, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Kavanaugh accuser agrees to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary
A statement from Ford's lawyers Saturday afternoon said: 'Dr Ford accepts the Committee's request to provide her first-hand knowledge of Brett Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct next week.' News of Ford's decision to testify came just as the Senate Judiciary Committee's extension ran out at 2.30pm EST Saturday. The statement continued: 'Although many aspects of the proposal you provided via email, on September 21, 2018, at 2:33 pm, are fundamentally inconsistent with the Committee's promise of a fair, impartial investigation into her allegations, and we are disappointed with the leaks and the bullying that have tainted the process, we are hopeful that we can reach an agreement'. Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley reluctantly granted Ford an extension Friday night, writing in a string of tweets: 'With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I'm playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and [Senator Chuck] Schumer is the conductor.' This came after Grassley rejected Ford's key concessions under which she would testify and then gave her until 10pm Friday night to come to a 'reasonable resolution'.