September 23, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Kavanaugh accuser agrees to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary
Dr Christine Blasey Ford (main and top left in a school picture) has agreed to testify about her sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (right and bottom left in a school picture) next week, her lawyers have revealed. In a 15-minute phone call between the Senate Judiciary Committee and Ford's attorneys on Saturday night, a source claimed to Politico the panel tentatively agreed to a Thursday hearing in private, despite publicly trying to rush the confirmation of Kavanaugh along. Negotiations are expected to continue over the weekend, with Ford's team and the panel still not able to agree on crucial details of the hearing. While all parties have agreed on only using pool cameras, keeping Ford and Kavanaugh separate and providing police security for the renowned psychologist, there is still no consensus on whether alleged witness Mark Judge will be subpoenaed. Ford's complaint centers around an incident that took place at a high school party in the 1980s, where she alleges Kavanaugh and Judge, his friend, followed her upstairs when she went to the bathroom and pushed her into a bedroom. There, she alleges the Supreme Court nominee held her down, covered her mouth, groped her and tried to rip off her swimsuit. Kavanaugh denies the allegations and has said he would testify to clear his name. Donald Trump (inset) has questioned why Ford had not reported her alleged assault to police when it occurred, and chose this moment to come forward. 

But in a possible setback for the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, Republicans on the committee received a statement on Saturday that seemed to eliminate any chance of corroboration of Dr. Blasey’s account by anyone who attended the high school party where she says she was assaulted.

A woman named Leland Keyser — who is believed to have been identified by Dr. Blasey as one of the five people at the party — told the committee through a lawyer that she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” Two men said to have been at the party, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth, have also told the committee that they have no recollection of the events.

A lawyer for Dr. Blasey, Debra Katz, said in a statement that it was “unremarkable that Ms. Keyser does not remember attending a specific gathering 30 years ago at which nothing of consequence happened to her.” For her part, Ms. Keyser told The Washington Post in a brief interview on Saturday night that her own memory notwithstanding, she believed Dr. Blasey’s story.