November 1, 2016

Comey reportedly declined to put out an FBI statement linking hacking to Russians seeking to influence the race.

Clinton campaign unleashes on FBI’s Comey

The Clinton campaign, in full-battle mode, is seeking to deflect attention from the latest email revelations by pointing to allegations that FBI director James Comey sought to withhold evidence of Russian support for Trump for fear of influencing the election. Citing reports on CNBC and in the Huffington Post that Comey privately urged against naming Russia for allegedly meddling in the election, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the move was “jaw-dropping” and “impossible to view this as anything less than a blatant double standard”.


Trump denies Russian connections

The Trump campaign has denied a report that a Trump Organization server was used to send or receive communications with a Russian bank. The denial on Monday night came in response to a Slate article that said activity on the server indicated “a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank”, the largest private commercial bank in Russia. The Clinton campaign quickly pounced on the report, declaring the story proof of “the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow”. According to the New York Times, Trump also used “legally dubious” tax avoidance measures in the 1990s and David Smith reviews the futile feuds that may cost Trump the White House.