November 30, 2016


Experts join Stein’s recount suit

Security experts have joined Jill Stein’s effort to force the state of Wisconsin to conduct a recount of the votes in that state by hand. Amid fears that there may have been foreign tampering with electronic voting systems, half a dozen academics and experts joined the suit to testify that recounting by hand would produce a “more correct result and change the outcome of the election,” the suit said.
The Green party presidential candidate has led a campaign, backed by crowdsourced fundraising, to have the votes in the crucial states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania recounted amid fears that electronic voting may have fallen victim to foreign tampering. Her campaign faced several roadblocks since she filed the first call for a recount in Wisconsin on Friday, as she may have missed the deadline for a recount in several counties in Pennsylvania and the state of Wisconsin is requesting $3.5m, more than the originally estimated $1m, by the end of Tuesday.
Security experts join Jill Stein’s ‘election changing’ recount campaign

Trump picks health secretary

Donald Trump has chosen a prominent critic of Obamacare as his secretary of health and human services, casting fresh doubt over the future of the Affordable Care Act. Congressman Tom Price of Georgia, an orthopedic surgeon who has long been a leading congressional voice in opposition to Barack Obama’s healthcare reform legislation, was confirmed on Tuesday as the president-elect’s pick.