December 20, 2016

unreleased outtakes of Trump saying “every offensive, racist thing ever” on “The Apprentice,”

-- Actor Tom Arnold claims that he has unreleased outtakes of Trump saying “every offensive, racist thing ever” on “The Apprentice,” including footage of him calling his son a retard. The Hollywood Reporter’s Abid Rahman reports: “Asked [in a radio interview] why he was given the tapes in the first place and why he didn't release them before the election, Arnold said that the people who sent the clips to him worked on The Apprentice and put together a compilation of Trump saying controversial things as a ’funny’ ‘Christmas video,’ as they didn't expect the real estate mogul to win …. When it became clear that Trump had a realistic chance of taking the White House, Arnold claims [Clinton] as well as new Apprentice star Arnold Schwarzenegger's agent got involved and wanted the tapes released. ‘They said, ‘I need you to release him saying the N-word,’ [he recounted]. ‘I said, ‘Well, now these people – two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They’re scared of his people, they’re scared of they’ll never work again, there’s a $5 million confidentiality agreement.'”

-- Vanity Fair, “Inside the desperate, year-long hunt to find Trump’s rumored Apprentice outtakes,” by Nick Bilton: “Throughout the year, the tapes were a subject of almost mythical fascination within the media. Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign would also obsessively try to find the tapes up until Election Day. In fact, one person close to the Clinton campaign told me that he had spoken to someone, on the Sunday before the election, who said he had a damaging clip of Trump. But The Apprentice outtakes, whatever they contained, were never made public. … Could the tapes have changed that outcome? In the aftermath of Trump’s victory, many journalists, political operatives, and even celebrities have told me that they aren’t sure. But they’ve also said that one force impeded their hunt. Curiously, it was just about the most liberal place on earth: Hollywood.”