January 26, 2017

Donald Trump faced a fresh torrent of criticism on Wednesday as he moved ahead with plans to build a wall on the Mexican border via executive order. Trump also signed an executive order that could slash funding for so-called “sanctuary cities”, and reinstated the “secure communities” program, which encourages broader cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration agencies.

President Trump signed an executive action that calls for work to begin quickly on the wall he promised as a candidate. He also signed an order to triple the number of immigration officers and crack down on sanctuary cities. It remained unclear how Trump’s directive would speed up construction or pay for additional border control agents.

Donald Trump has said that he intends to launch a “major investigation into voter fraud”, as controversy continues over his false claim that millions of people voted illegally in last year’s presidential election.

It is unclear who will carry out Trump’s call for a “major investigation” related to his unproven assertion that millions of illegal votes were cast in the presidential election.
The president’s tweets on Wednesday morning did not specifically state a desire to review the 2016 presidential election, which he won in the electoral college despite Hillary Clinton winning about 3m more votes.
Trump cited improper voter registration as the focus of the putative investigation