March 14, 2017

A new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office also predicts $337 billion in deficit reduction over the same period. The report underscores the dramatic loss in health insurance coverage that would take place if the GOP plan is enacted.

The Congressional Budget Office studied the effects of the House GOP’s health-care plan on three groups of insurance recipients: Those who get Medicaid, those who buy insurance on the exchange, and those who get coverage through their employers.

While some early estimates suggested that 6 million to 15 million could lose their insurance under the GOP's plan — a healthy portion of the 20 million who gained it under Obamacare — the projections are far north of that. In fact, they suggest that more people would eventually lose their insurance than have gained it.

The report undermines President Trump’s pledge that no Americans would lose coverage under a GOP health-care plan and threatens support from the party’s moderate lawmakers. But Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney called the CBO analysis “just absurd.”