April 18, 2017

 (Photo by Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)

-- New York Magazine, “Steve Bannon’s Biblical Fall,” by Olivia Nuzzi: “Media reports have not been subtle in characterizing Bannon’s political future. The New York Times branded him ‘doomed’ while Politico planned his funeral. … But as with all things Trump, the truth may be at once less and more predictable than that. ‘You’re always up and down with Trump,’ another source said. ‘There’s always gonna be a favorite.’ White House sources tell me the ideological split with (Jared) Kushner is real but not quite the point — Bannon’s primary ‘gunfight’ is with economic adviser Gary Cohn … whose influence has ballooned as Bannon has fallen out of favor with the president. The Goldman Sachs alums … can comfortably ‘shoot the [breeze]’ but mutual suspicion looms beneath the superficial friendliness. ‘Look, in all honesty? Steve has said things to me about Gary,’ [said a source close to Bannon]. ‘He’s never said one thing to me derogatory about Jared.'"

“The president has started his love affair with Gary,” another source said, “Gary’s not aware of this: That love affair will end abruptly. Gary Cohn will step on a landmine.”
Many sources believe Bannon’s “fatal mistake” was choosing to stay out of early, top-tier hiring disputes, focusing instead on his big picture, anti-globalist agenda. But now Bannon stands alone — a self-styled radical seated at the table with ideological opponents Kushner and Cohn, who haven’t similarly been blamed for the turmoil of the first 100 days. Even White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, a natural ally to Bannon, has been working more closely with Kushner recently, a source said.
Trump is “both prone to nostalgia” and also “deeply unsentimental”: “You could play golf with this guy for 40 years, have a heart attack on the ninth hole, he’ll pick up a new golf partner on the tenth hole like nothing happened,” one official said, adding: “As soon as you think you’re in Trump’s good graces and you start to be at ease and take that for granted, that’s when you get annihilated.”