April 24, 2017

-- Daily Beast, “Senate Trump-Russia Probe Has No Full-Time Staff, No Key Witnesses,” from Tim Mak: 

There are just seven part-time staffers working on the Senate inquiry. Not one of them is a trained investigator. And they haven’t interviewed a single player in Trump’s orbit.

“The Senate Intelligence Committee’s probe into Russia’s election interference is supposedly the best hope for getting the public credible answers about whether there was any coordination between the Kremlin and Trump Tower. But there are serious reasons to doubt that it can accomplish this task, as currently configured. More than three months after the committee announced that it had agreed on the scope of the investigation, the panel has not begun substantially investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. … The investigation does not have a single staffer dedicated to it full-time, and those staff members working on it part-time do not have significant investigative experience. [And] no interviews have been conducted with key individuals suspected of being in the Trump-Russia orbit.”