August 14, 2017



Charlottesville Mayor Blasts Trump’s ‘Repeated Failure’ To Denounce White Supremacists.

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Protesters amass on the National Mall in order to show solidarity against the violence seen in Charlottesville at the far-right rally
Heyer, 32, was killed when a vehicle plowed into a group of people opposed to a rally of white nationalists. “I’m not really surprised my child died this way,” said her mother, “because she would stand up for what she believed in.”

The city of Charlottesville was engulfed by violence on Saturday as white nationalists and counterprotesters clashed in one of the bloodiest fights to date over the removal of Confederate monuments across the South.

White nationalists had long planned a demonstration over the city’s decision to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee. But the rally quickly exploded into racial taunting, shoving and outright brawling, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency and the National Guard to join the police in clearing the area.

Those skirmishes mostly resulted in cuts and bruises. But after the rally at a city park was dispersed, a car bearing Ohio license plates plowed into a crowd near the city’s downtown mall, killing a 32-year-old woman. Some 34 others were injured, at least 19 in the car crash, according to a spokeswoman for the University of Virginia Medical Center.

Read more at NY TIMES

Assigned to cover the “Unite the Right” rally of white nationalists, I stood in Emancipation Park at 9:15 a.m. Saturday and looked out at the gathering in front of me.

Initially, the mood was calm. Cornel West, the Harvard scholar, was linked arm in arm with about 20 clergy members, who had walked to the park from a sunrise service at a largely African-American church to counterprotest the demonstration by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Tom Perriello, a former congressman and a hopeful for governor, was there to oppose the rally, too.

But then brawls broke out. Protesters began to mace one another, throwing water bottles and urine-filled balloons — some of which hit reporters — and beating each other with flagpoles, clubs and makeshift weapons. Before long, the downtown area was a melee. People were ducking and covering with a constant stream of projectiles whizzing by our faces, and the air was filled with the sounds of fists and sticks against flesh.

  “Where are the police?” shouted a man shortly before noon. The white nationalists faced off with anti-fascist groups and other protesters in the streets outside the park. The cuts and scrapes would be followed by injuries from even worse violence. Minutes later, a car plowed into a crowd of counterdemonstrators, killing a woman and injuring at least 19 other people. Her shoes and other personal effects could be seen strewn on the pavement.

 After the rally was dispersed, its organizer, Jason Kessler, who calls himself a “white advocate,” complained in an interview that his group had been “forced into a very chaotic situation.” He added, “The police were supposed to be there protecting us and they stood down.”

  • It was essentially just brawling on the street,” one woman said after clashes between white nationalists and protesters left the nation unsettled.

  • While Charlottesville was grieving on Sunday, it was also questioning the police’s response. Some suggested they were too slow to intervene, but Gov. Terry McAuliffe said they had done “great work.”
  Read more at NY TIMES
A torch-lit parade of Neo-Nazis and segregationists marched through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville on Friday night. CreditEdu Bayer for The New York Times

By the weekend’s finish, Fields had become the face of one of the ugliest days in recent U.S. history. After marching through the University of Virginia’s campus carrying torches and spewing hate Friday night, hundreds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members gathered Saturday in downtown Charlottesville to protest the planned removal of a statue memorializing Robert E. Lee. As they waved Confederate flags and screamed racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs, the protesters — almost all white and male — were met with fierce resistance from activists who had come to stop them.

“No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!” the counterprotesters chanted, holding “Black Lives Matter” signs and placards calling for equality and love

Sickening moment white supremacist drove into crowds caught on camera by woman whose fiance pushed her out of the incoming car's path

  • A video shows the sickening moment a white supremacist plowed into crowds

  • Counter-protesters were at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday

  • Marissa Blair was live-streaming on Facebook when the car crashed into people

  • Her fiance, Marcus Martin, pushed her out of the way, breaking his leg 

  • Blair captured the chaotic scene as she screamed out while looking for Martin

  • The 27-year-old searched for him through throngs of injured people

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Blair's shocking video show the moments before the vehicle rams into innocent people and the tragic aftermath of the incident. Pictured: A photograph of the car driving into the crowd

Organizer of the Unite the Right rally punched and tackled to the floor as he gives a press conference blaming the city and cops for death of the paralegal killed protesting his hate-fueled march


White supremacist murder suspect 'idolized Hitler, had fascination with Nazis and wrote a lengthy "lovefest" paper about the German military'


 James Alex Fields Jr was arrested Saturday after he allegedly drove into a crowd of anti-fascists in Charlottesville, Virginia. His former teacher claims Fields idolized Adolf Hitler and Nazis.

 White House updates statement on Charlottesville violence condemning 'white supremacists, KKK and Neo-Nazis' - though Trump stays silent and away from the press

A White House spokesperson updated the statement delivered by President Trump, in which Trump condemned violence 'on many sides' and failed to call out hate groups.
Cole White fired as Twitter names and shames protesters
A white nationalist has been fired from his job as Twitter begins naming and shaming alt-right supporters involved in yesterday's deadly Charlottesville rally. Cole White (center) was identified as one of the alt-right protesters at the violent Unite the Right march on Twitter by user Yes, You're Racist. After his employers Top Dog restaurant, in Berkeley, were alerted that White attended the rally, he was fired. A spokesman told reporters they would be releasing a full statement tomorrow but 'for now, we feel it is imperative to let you know that Cole White is no longer employed by Top Dog, LLC’. Pictured left, the Twitter page also identified Peter Cvjetanovic, 20, of Reno, as the angry-looking torch bearer who marched through the University of Virginia on Friday night and top right, Ryan Martin and Jacob Dix of Centerville, Ohio, were also ID-ed along with James Allsup, bottom right.