September 1, 2017



In Houston, waters have begun to recede, but tens of thousands of people remain sheltered, their homes flooded and without power, their lives turned upside down.
While the full impact from a storm with the power and enormity of Harvey is difficult to fathom and is still being calculated, the numbers below help to put it into perspective. 
More than 100,000 homes were destroyed when Harvey slammed into the Lone Star State last Friday night

27 trillion

The estimated number of gallons of rain water dumped over Texas and Louisiana over the last six days. It’s nearly impossible to imagine a volume of water that enormous, but some tried to give it scope. CNN’s Jim Sciutto said that much water could fill the Houston Astrodome 85,000 times, a local ABC affiliate calculated that the water could supply New York City for more than five decades


The number of storm-related fatalities that have been confirmed to date

More than 300,000 people have applied for disaster aid as the region begins to put the pieces of their lives back together
                                                       $30--100 billion
Harvey’s cost could mount to $30 billion when including the impact of relentless flooding on the labor force, power grid, transportation and other elements that support the region’s energy sector, Chuck Watson, a disaster modeler with Enki Research, said in an email Monday. That would place it among the top eight hurricanes to ever strike the U.S. David Havens, an insurance analyst at Imperial Capital, said the final tally might be as high as $100 billion. [Bloomberg News ]


The number of inches of rainfall measured... According to National Weather Service’s data, the wettest tropical cyclone record still belongs to Hurricane Hiki, which developed off the coast of Hawaii in August 1950 and dropped 52 inches of rain.


The number of people forced out of their homes and currently sheltered.
People have begun to empty out of shelters in the city, returning home and starting to rebuild their lives 


The number of customers in Texas currently without power... . About 11,000 customers in Louisiana are also without power. 


The number of counties in Texas for which Gov. Greg Abbott issued disaster declarations.


The number of animals currently being sheltered in Texas. In 69 open shelters, the Texas Animal Health Commission is tracking 513 cattle, 664 horses, 20 sheep, 66 goats, 5 swine, 10 poultry, 5 pet birds, 2 rabbits, 106 dogs, 14 cats and 1,024 unidentified exotic animals. Eighteen other shelters are also housing 453 pets.


The number of highways currently closed or flooded


The number of chemical facilities and oil and gas refineries that have reported problems 


The estimated number of homes that have been destroyed