October 18, 2017

Gold Star Mother Says Trump did Show DISRESPECT as he Spoke to Green Beret's Widow.

Grieving aunt of slain Special Forces hero calls Trump SOB
The grieving aunt of slain US Special Forces hero Sgt. La David Johnson has branded President Trump's alleged remarks to his widow as 'heartless and disgusting'. Trump has denied reducing pregnant mother-of-two Myeshia Johnson to tears by saying her husband 'knew what he signed up for' during a telephone call to offer his condolences. But Katrina Johnson (pictured center in front of her home), 42, believes her family's account of the conversation and says Trump's supposed comments are a grave insult to her patriot nephew.

  • Rep. Frederica Wilson said she was sitting beside the grieving widow when Trump said on speakerphone that the slain solider 'knew what he signed up for' 
  • The widow 'was in tears. And she said, "He didn't even remember his name!"' Wilson claimed.
  • Wilson called him 'a liar' and dared him to 'bring it on' if he has a recording of Tuesday's phone call.
  • White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said there aren't any tapes but several administration officials were in the room and heard what Trump said
  • Sanders called Wilson's decision to 'politicize' the issue 'appalling and disgusting,' and said the media was a 'disgrace' for sensationalizing it

  • Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4991292/Trump-slammed-insensitive-phone-call-Niger-widow.html#ixzz4vuQvnxWc
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    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4991292/Trump-slammed-insensitive-phone-call-Niger-widow.html#ixzz4vuQZEUMb
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