January 6, 2018


Pence cast himself as blandly uninteresting, sometimes barely seeming to exist in the shadow of Donald Trump' 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5240531/Jared-Ivanka-think-Pence-controlled-wife.html#ixzz53NtmQksz 
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Jared & Ivanka think Pence is being controlled by his wife
Vice President Mike Pence has either 'solved the riddle' of how to work for Donald Trump or he's 'well short of intelligent,' his White House colleagues told Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury. Former deputy White House chief of staff Katie Walsh is quoted as saying, 'Pence is not dumb.'  But the president's daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner - and others in the White House, apparently - don't see it the same way. 'Many' called him an 'empty suit.'  'The Jarvanka side credited Pence’s wife, Karen, as the guiding hand behind his convenient meekness.'

A new book describes Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner fearfully eyeing special counsel Robert Mueller's probe out of concern their own finances could come under the microscope

Wolff said Friday that '100 percent of the people around' President Donald Trump question his intelligence and fitness for office, with some calling him a 'moron' and an 'idiot.' Even Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have moved out of the way to let the bus roll over Trump, Wolff said. 'They all say he is like a child. And what they mean by that is he has a need for immediate gratification. It's all about him,' Wolff told 'Today' on Friday. 'They say he's a moron, an idiot.' The suggestion, Wolff said, purportedly quoting Steve Bannon, is: 'He's lost it.'

Trump didn’t read....Some thought him dyslexic; certainly his comprehension was limited. Others concluded that he didn’t read because he just didn’t have to, and that in fact this was one of his key attributes as a populist. He was postliterate—total television.

Insiders say Trump's 'dyslexia' is why he avoids reading
Trump also prefers to surround himself with 'office wives,' according to Wolff’s book. His 'office wives' include his daughter, Ivanka Trump (top left); White House communications director Hope Hicks (bottom left); Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (top right) and Communications Director Kellyanne Conway(bottom right)

Trump accusing the Obama administration of “wiretapping” Trump Tower was a “turning point” for White House staff.

In a series of tweets on March 4, 2017, Trump accused former President Barack Obama of surveilling him, offering no evidence to support the claim. “This is McCarthyism!” Trump wrote, adding that Obama was a “Bad (or sick) guy!”
It was a turning point. Until now, Trump’s inner circle had been mostly game to defend him. But after the wiretap tweets, everybody, save perhaps Hope Hicks, moved into a state of queasy sheepishness, if not constant incredulity.
Sean Spicer, for one, kept repeating his daily, if not hourly, mantra: “You can’t make this shit up. 

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation.

President Trump directed his White House counsel to tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions to not recuse himself from the Justice Department's Russia investigation.
When Don McGahn, the president's White House counsel, was unsuccessful, the president erupted in anger in front of multiple White House officials, telling them that he needed an attorney general who would protect him – the way Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy protected his brother, President John F. Kennedy, according to details in the New York Times.

The president then asked, 'Where's my Roy Cohn?' referring to his long-dead former lawyer, who had ben Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's chief councsel during the lawmaker's controversial hunt for Communists in the 1950s, the Times reported. 

The episode is known to special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors and is likely of interest to them as they look into whether Trump's actions as president, including the May firing of FBI Director James Comey, amount to improper efforts to obstruct the Russia investigation. 
Stephen K. Bannon is confronting political irrelevance, a dire fate for a publicity-hungry provocateur, as some of his most important backers recoil after his reported criticisms of President Trump and his family.

Republican mega-donor Rebekah Mercer publicly rebuked Bannon on Thursday in a rare, and brutal, public statement. But before she did, Mercer spoke to President Donald Trump.

F.B.I. Questioning Clinton Foundation Dealings Again
Career prosecutors shut down the case in 2016 over lack of evidence. The new interest comes as President Trump has taken the highly unusual step of calling for investigations of political rivals.

Steele, a former British spy, was tapped by Democratic opposition research firm Fusion GPS to compile dirt on Trump last year – what became known as the 'dirty dossier'
Christopher Steele, a former British spy,

Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) has recommended the Justice Department investigate former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the now-famous “dossier” alleging the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential election. The move marks a major escalation in conservatives’ challenges to the FBI’s credibility as the agency investigates whether any Trump associates committed crimes.

Congress and a special counsel have been investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to swing the 2016 election to the billionaire

There’s no doubt the U.S. economy and Wall Street have momentum heading into President Trump’s second year in office. But worker pay has stagnated. A similar problem plagued Barack Obama during his administration.