March 1, 2018

Hope Hicks to Resign Communications Post

Ms. Hicks, a political novice known as one of the few aides who could challenge President Trump to change his views, said she had been considering leaving for months.

President Donald Trump reportedly 'berated' White House communications director Hope Hicks after she admitted telling 'white lies' for the president during her testimony to the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

A source made the revelation to CNN's Erin Burnett just hours after it was announced that Hicks would be departing the White House in the coming weeks, leaving a giant hole in the inner circle Trump trusts most.

Burnett claims an angry Trump asked Hicks after her testimony 'how she could be so stupid.
'Apparently, that was the final straw for Hope Hicks,' Burnett claimed.

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Trump's communication director Hope Hicks resigns