A delegation led by Ukraine’s defense minister began cease-fire talks Monday with Russian officials at the Ukrainian border with Belarus, as Ukrainian forces repelled a series of Russian attacks on Kyiv and said they had cleared the capital of infiltrators, Yaroslav Trofimov reports. The talks on the fifth day of the war in Ukraine come as Russian forces struggled to make headway in most of the country, and have failed to take any of Ukraine’s major cities amid fierce resistance. Russia was pouring reinforcement convoys across the border on Monday, in what could be preparation for a renewed push on Kyiv and an attempt to besiege it. Despite Russia’s military difficulties so far, and mounting international sanctions and pressure on Russia’s currency and economy, the chances of a cease-fire being agreed to at Monday’s talks were uncertain. - Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has demanded a full Russian withdrawal and a restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
- Ukrainians from across Europe are streaming back to their home country to pick up arms in their fight against Russia, Drew Hinshaw and Natalia Ojewska report.
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